1-6 Months
7-12 Months
13-24 Months
2-3 Years
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Mom and Dad took Nathan to Hawaii when he was 14 months to celebrate their 10 year anniversary. There were a lot of new experiences for Nathan during the 25 day trip but he took them all in and had a great time in the process.

Nathan saw waterfalls,


tropical gardens


and got to hike around and explore on his own.


He played in water

and sand from all over the islands.


(Sometimes he ate the sand)


Mom and Dad took him to many great places like:

a tropical forest

the Hilo coast

a volcano

and through lava tubes.


Hawaii is really a beautiful place.



During the trip, Mom and Dad even chartered an airplane so we could see the island from a different perspective:



It was a great trip, but all the new sights and experiences made me very tired. I was glad when we finally went home! You can see my Dad's pictures of the trip on his page.



NEXT: 13-24 Months Part 3



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